3D Letter J
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Woot woot...

Woot woot is my word baby!! woot... :P hehehe...

Anyways, i've not been updating my blog for awhile now.... so imma update it now~!

what happened in my life since the last update... hmmm a lot! hahaha...

my final project was a Say "Hi" campaign that we did successfully in college to create awareness of Saying Hi! :D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't be everything to everyone but be something to someone!

Wishing something will never work,
Being something to everyone doesn't count.

I want you to know i love you,
I need you to understand i miss you,
I hope you will know that i want you.

All i want is to be that special someone to you.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The meaning of Love

Let me tell you the meaning of love:

Love can never be heard,
And love can never be seen.
Love can never be touched,
Yet love can change a life.

Love is a feeling deep within,
no one has ever seen.
Love is a fruit in the heart,
that can grow sweet yet grow bitter.

Believe your heart,
to find your love,
Regret not your choice,
Because love will be waiting.

Here i have wrote a poem to someone that was asking how to know if someone really loves you... I believe that in order to know a person really loves you in just to believe and follow your heart. You cannot know if a person is loving you by just seeing what that person offers to you physically... You can only believe and feel the love... :)